Our Company Blog

How To Increase Dryer Efficiency

Have you been having problems with your dryer? Maybe your clothes aren’t drying in one load… or you could have issues with lint showing up everywhere. Some homeowners complain about excessive heat coming from the dryer or clothes being extra hot when the cycle is finished.

Whatever the problem is, it’s clear that something isn’t running efficiently. If you notice any of these signs, chances are you need some help from a certified professional. Weststar Chimney Sweeps knows all there is to know when it comes to inspecting and cleaning your system! Keep reading to learn more about what we can do for you.

Ensuring Correct Installation

One thing we may check is that everything was installed correctly. Improper installation can lead to countless issues (and headaches), and we want all of our customers to be able to use their appliances with ease. If the ducts or venting systems were installed poorly, we can find the problem and make any necessary corrections.

Sloppy installation jobs can lead to inefficiency and they can put your home and family at risk, as well. Let us take a look so that you have a clear picture of just how exactly your system is setup. We can’t wait to help you soon!

Cleaning Your Dryer Vents

Another important service to invest in is dryer vent cleaning. Thousands of homeowners per year face hazardous situations due to clogged up vents. Overheating puts you at a higher risk for house fires, and toxins will likely back up into your home if they cannot properly escape. Both of these issues put your home and family in dangerous and life-threatening situations.

Excessive heat, lint inside of the dryer, longer than normal dryer times, a musty odor, and increased temps in the laundry room are all signs that you need help as soon as possible. Call in a professional fast, so that you can gain the peace of mind you deserve!

We can clear any excess lint out of your dryer vent system so that you can rest easy knowing your home is safer. On top of this, clean dryer vents ensure shorter dryer times, saving you money on energy bills. Not to mention, you can cross laundry off your to-do list that much faster! Our certified staff will use the appropriate tools to clear out your system – count on us for your dryer vent cleaning every year!

Providing Top Of The Line Home Care

If you’re looking for a dependable home and chimney care, there is nowhere better than Weststar Chimney Sweeps. Our CSIA certified staff has been providing dependable care to this area for almost 20 years, and we can’t wait to help our customers for many more years to come!

Check out our website today to learn more about all that we can offer you. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

Why You Should Waterproof Your Chimney

Fireplaces make a great addition to any living space. They add a warm and welcoming aesthetic that enhances the overall feel of the room, and I think everyone agrees that cozying up to a warm hearth after a long day is more than ideal!

Your fireplace works hard to keep your home warm and bring your family together, which is why it’s important to take care of it. Scheduling regular maintenance and inspections, as well as keeping it protected, will benefit you a lot in the long run and will ensure your chimney is not left vulnerable to animals and bad weather. One practice we highly recommend is waterproofing. Learn more below!

Damage & Your Chimney

When it comes to protecting your chimney from water damage, you don’t want to skimp. Water takes its toll on masonry and, once it is absorbed into your brickwork, you could wind up facing lots of issues. Bricks are strong, but incredibly porous and many homeowners don’t realize how easily water is sucked in! That’s why protecting your chimney’s exterior is so vital for running a long-lasting appliance.

Some issues you may notice are rotting, stains, clogs, decay, and deterioration. You may also see cracks or holes forming throughout the chimney, as well as your mortar breaking down and crumbling. All of these things lead to even more issues when not quickly resolved, and they make your fireplace unsuitable and unsafe for regular use.

If your chimney is exposed to enough wear and tear it may eventually settle or collapse, putting your entire home and family at risk. It’s not worth the stress and worry… invest in preventative measures to ensure your residence stays protected every day!

We Can Help You Out!

At WestStar Chimney Sweeps, we have all of the tools and expertise needed to ensure the job gets done right. When you put your chimney in our hands, you won’t need to worry about anything – we know our stuff!

And trust us when we say that hiring a professional is the way to go. We know that there are multiple online tutorials that ensure homeowners can save time and money by doing this job themselves. Unfortunately, many products that people wind up using don’t allow the chimney breath out vapors, thus trapping the moisture in.

We use products that protect your home, without suffocating it. By investing in our waterproofing services today, you can say goodbye to future issues with leaks, water damage, and more! It’s a small price to pay for years of protection, and we know you’ll be happy you did it.

Contact us to learn more, and we can get you in our books! We love making homes great and we can’t wait to get started on yours!

What Causes Chimney Odors?

Are you noticing some bad odors throughout your household? There’s a good chance they are coming from your chimney! While this is not an ideal situation to be in, it’s definitely one that’s fixable with the help of Weststar Chimney Sweeps. We have everything you need to get your home smelling fresh again!

Check out the more common issues we see when homeowners report bad smells from their fireplace.

Air Pressure

When it comes to the air pressure throughout your home, finding the right balance can prove to be a challenge, especially when you have a chimney. When the draft reverses and brings outside air down your chimney and into your home, you often find yourself facing some pretty nasty odors.

There are many reasons why poor air ventilation may occur. Whether your chimney has structural issues, clogs, debris buildup, or damaged parts, we can offer you a solution. We are CSIA trained and certified to take on any task you throw our way! Give us a call today.

Creosote Build-Up

There’s no doubt that creosote can trigger some pretty bad odors. The more it builds up, the more vulnerable your home becomes! We can help you out by offering a thorough chimney sweeping. That should help a lot! If it still doesn’t completely solve the problem, we can offer lots of helpful products and/or suggestions as far as clearing out that smell for good.


Excess moisture can cause musty odors to develop in your home. This makes your entire home’s aesthetic rather unpleasant. When this moisture combines with the creosote in your chimney, the smell only gets worse. On top of this, too much water causes all kinds of issues, such as rot, rust, stains, mold, clogs, build-up, and more. All in all, water can do a lot of damage to your chimney!

Learn about our leak repair and waterproofing services by visiting us online today! We can keep your home free from water and the nasty smells that come with it.


Animals can cause bad odors in more ways than one. First of all, once they get stuck, their droppings will start to accumulate and the smells from that can easily enter your home. Also, if they pass away and start to decompose, you’ll notice terrible smells from that, too (as well as pest infestation).

We can remove bird nestings from your chimney, so they won’t keep returning, and we can also install a chimney cap, so you won’t have to face this problem again – turn to us today!

What Are You Waiting For?

At Weststar Chimney Sweeps, we make the customer our number one priority. We believe there is no problem we can’t fix, and we love setting people up with the fireplaces of their dreams. Please call us today, so we can schedule your appointment – together we can do anything!

Keep Animals Out Of Your Chimney

Chimneys are strong, sturdy, and warm. This is why many animals view them as an ideal spot to rest, store foods, or build nests. Unfortunately, once these critters enter, they are not easy to get rid of. Not to mention, attempting to do so is sometimes against the law! Certain species of birds cannot be removed from your chimney until they are through nesting there. Consequently, this puts your chimney out of use for quite some time!

Learning how to avoid animal entry is important for keeping your chimney in good health. It also protects the well-being of friends and family. In addition, it will ensure all of the woodland creatures around your home stay safe, as well!

Dangers Of Animal Invasion

So, what harm can animals do to your chimney? Let’s take a look.

  • Smoke and Toxin Back-Up: One of the most common problems with animals entering a chimney is the formation of clogs. Leaves, mud, twigs, and all types of nesting materials block up your flue, leaving you with some major issues. If the smoke and other toxins created by a fire cannot properly vent, they will simply turn back around enter your home – definitely not ideal! Not to mention, loved ones could easily get sick after inhaling harmful gases.
  • Fire Hazards: Another issue is how susceptible these twigs and leaves are to catching fire, putting your entire home at risk. Also, any blockages will cause your entire appliance to run less efficiently, and any malfunctions always increase the risk of something dangerous occurring.
  • Bad Odors: All too often, animals find their way into the chimney, but can’t manage to find their way back out. When birds, squirrels, and others like them pass away, they leave behind a pretty foul smell. Your home will stink up fast and you’ll likely find yourself facing pest and maggot infestation, too – yuck!

Install A Chimney Cap Today!

So, how can you stop animals from entering? The easiest solution is to purchase a chimney cap. Chimney caps are placed over-top your flue, so any potential openings are blocked off. On top of this, chimney caps prevent water from entering, serve as spark arrestors, prevent downdrafts, and they stop any flying debris or trash from entering the unit, too!

There’s no reason not to have one installed today. The staff at Weststar Chimney Sweeps can set you up right with a cap that is the perfect fit for your chimney. Our sweeps are CSIA trained and certified, so you can count on us to do the job right!

Fear your cap is damaged? Not a problem! We can take a look, then advise you on the best steps to take moving forward. No matter what, we’ve got your back!

And don’t forget to schedule an annual cleaning and inspection! This way, should any creature or excess debris work its way in, a professional can remove it promptly. We can’t wait to help you out – call today!

Is Water Coming Down Your Chimney?

It’s the time of year for showers, heavy rains, and all types of storms. This is great news for our plants, flowers, and soil, but it can bring about some trouble when it comes to your chimney. At Weststar Chimney Sweeps, we want to help you prepare for any weather! If you are noticing leaks and excess water throughout your fireplace and chimney, call on us today.

Moisture and Masonry

Water issues will not only cause issues for your brickwork, but can trigger problems throughout your home, as well! This is one repair service that you definitely don’t want to put off. The worse things get, the more repairs you’ll have to invest in down the line, costing you a lot of time and money by the end of it all.

When your brick absorbs water, it causes the mortar to wear down fast. The weaker it gets, the less efficiently your fireplace will run and, eventually, things may start to break down or collapse. On top of this, you will face rot, rust, stains, mold, decay, cracks, and more all throughout the chimney and your home’s walls and ceiling.

When you combine all those issues with clogs, deterioration, and broken down parts, you are looking at a big mess. Save yourself the stress by calling in our CSIA certified experts today!

How Can We Help?

There are lots of steps you can take to get your home and chimney back to where it needs to be. Check out some of things that we can do for you!

  • Waterproofing: This is one step that goes a long way and really benefits your brickwork throughout time. When you invest in a professional waterproofing service, your chimney will get the best protection available. Certified professionals know which products will work the most efficiently, while allowing your brickwork the opportunity to breathe. If your chimney is in good shape, waterproof now, so you ensure no damage starts occurring over time.
  • Crown Repair/Replacement: The chimney crown plays a huge role in keeping water out. It seals your chimney, then directs any water out and away from your brickwork. Yet, this piece needs to be made from the right materials in order for it to be effective. If your crown needs some work, turn to us – we can set you up right.
  • Chimney Cap Installation: Many homeowners find themselves without a chimney cap. This is a really easy, effective, and cost-efficient way to prevent excess water from entering your chimney. If you need one installed, talk to one of the pros at Weststar Chimney Sweeps right away! We’ll get you fixed up in no time.

We Look Forward To Your Call!

When it comes to chimney care, we love helping out. Turn your worn down system into a thing of beauty that you can enjoy for years to come by contacting us. We can’t wait to hear from you!