Did you know theft increases throughout the winter months? Burglars know that homes are filled with new and expensive items from Christmas, and the shorter, darker days offer more opportunities to break in under the protective cover of darkness. Not to mention, many families leave town for days on end to visit family members who live far away. All of these factors make it a lot easier for criminals to take what they want and get away with it.
Now, if you think you covered it all when it comes to keeping your home locked up and better protected, we urge you to reconsider. One spot many tend to forget about is the chimney, and this can easily offer a simple way for burglars to enter a home. A homeowner in Arizona almost faced an incident just like this but lucked out when the thief got stuck and needed assistance. But not every break-in has an ending like that!
Most of the time, someone looking to slide their way into your home through the chimney will have little issue doing so, which is why you need to ensure it is adequately covered. That’s where a chimney cap comes in.
What Is A Chimney Cap?
A chimney cap is a device that covers the opening of your flue or chimney. Its main purpose is to prevent rain and excess water from entering your structure, but it serves multiple other purposes, as well. Chimney caps should be sturdy and built from materials that will stand the test of time. All in all, there isn’t a single person in the chimney industry who would recommend operating a chimney without a cap, as they are an affordable way to avoid all kinds of expensive damage.
If you have a chimney cap in place, the ability for a burglar to enter your home through your chimney will diminish significantly. They would have to spend a lot of time trying to remove it, which draws attention from neighbors or anyone passing by the house, and anyone who sees a capped chimney will likely cancel out that option pretty quickly.
Caps Keep Out Other Unwanted Guests, Too!
Now, as we said, caps serve multiple purposes, and you can bet that criminals won’t be the only guests they keep out of your home. They also keep out birds, squirrels, and other woodland critters that might want to set up camp in your flue! When animals are ready to nest and have babies, they look for spots that are strong and sturdy, and that will offer good protection from any bad weather or predators.
Unfortunately, your chimney is an ideal spot for this, which is why you need to have a barrier in place to keep these animals out. If they are given the chance to build a home, you won’t be able to light any fires until they and their nesting materials are removed. By doing so, you would put both your home and the creatures at great risk, and you’ll greatly increase your chance of experiencing smoke back-up and chimney fires.
Along with this, some creatures that are prone to enter chimneys, like the chimney swift, are protected by law and removing them is illegal. This means, you’ll be stuck with the critters until they leave on their own, after which you can finally remove the nesting materials and move forward. But it may be quite a long wait!
All in all, a cap is an affordable and effective way to keep animals out for good. If you are missing a cap or if your current model is damaged and needs replacing, then don’t wait any longer to reach out to our team. We’d be happy to set you up right!
Other Functions Of A Chimney Cap
Believe it or not, your chimney cap can serve even more purposes than the ones we’ve already talked about! We mentioned their excellent ability at keeping out thieves, animals, and excess water, but did you know they can prevent things from getting out of your home, too? You see, many times when fires are lit, stray sparks and embers will go flying up the chimney and land of your flammable roofing materials. If these were to ignite, you’d be facing a disastrous situation in no time!
Chimney caps can stop these stray sparks dead in their tracks, putting them out before they are given the chance to land on your home.
Worried about outside debris working its way in and clogging things up? You can bet that your cap will prevent leaves, twigs, and the like from working their way in, and they even are known to stop downdrafts, which are notorious for affecting the draft and airflow of your system significantly.
When it comes right down to it, there is simply no reason not to have a cap installed right away, and our team has the training to get the job done right. Don’t trust in someone inexperienced and lacking the appropriate credentials. Call on the experienced, CSIA certified sweeps at Weststar Chimney today!