Our Company Blog

Why Should I Get A Chimney Cap Installed?

There are lots of reasons to have a chimney cap professionally installed today, and there’s only one company to trust for all of your chimney-related needs. Learn more about chimney caps below, then give Weststar Chimney Sweeps a call today!

Preventing Water Damage

If you know anything about water and brick, then you know they don’t go well together! There are lots of things you want to protect your masonry from and excess moisture is high up on that list. If water gets access to your chimney, you’ll soon be facing mold, rot, rust, stains, decay, clogs, deterioration, and that’s only the beginning! Over time, your system will break down, and the life of your chimney will be cut short.

This is the first of many reasons why chimney caps are so important. They cover the top of your chimney, so that water can’t get in and destroy the lining. The more access water has to your system, the worse off you’ll be, so get a cap installed today, and stay protected!

Keeping Animals Out

Another huge benefit of owning a chimney cap is their ability to keep birds and other critters out. Raccoons and similar animals can easily climb into an uncapped chimney and set up camp. The strong brick and warm cave-like atmosphere make it an ideal spot for building nests and raising young. This leads to clogs, bad odors, and lots of deterioration.

Also, you’ll soon discover that, while animals can easily enter, getting back out can prove to be challenging. Not everything that comes in will be able to get back out and, when they eventually pass away, the smell will stink up your home in a hurry. Not to mention, maggots and other insects will find their way to your chimney before you know it! You don’t need that headache – get that cap installed now.

Other Benefits

On top of these amazing benefits, there’s more that a chimney cap will do for you! If you’ve built fires, you know that sparks can quickly fly away and get out of hand. A chimney cap will stop these stray flames dead in their tracks, so you won’t have to stress about roofing materials or adjacent woodwork catching on fire.

Chimney caps also help prevent unwanted drafts from sweeping down your flue or chimney. Not only do these make your home uncomfortable, but they can bring in some nasty odors with them. And if you’ve got a fire going, say hello to a smoke-filled living room! None of this is remotely ideal, which is why we want you to depend on us today.

For more information, give us a call at 619-338-8116. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

We Were At The San Diego County Fair

[Updated for 2019]

If there is one thing we care about it, it’s providing our customers with the knowledge they need to maintain a safer home. That’s why we like to take full advantage of any opportunity to spread some fireplace and chimney facts! The San Diego County Fair is one of our favorite spots to visit. With over 1.5 million in attendance, there are tons of ways to promote fireplace and chimney safety!

This year was no different. We met tons of great families and homeowners who were unaware of how important regular maintenance was for their chimney, dryer vent, and masonry. We would like to thank everyone who stopped to talk to us, as well as all of our loyal customers throughout the area! Without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to spread this important knowledge year after year.

Why We Love The San Diego County Fair

As stated previously, the San Diego County Fair gives us the opportunity to meet and educate our community on the importance and necessity of having your chimney and fireplace systems looked at by ceritified professionals. Often times we meet first-time customers that have never had their chimney swept before!

Apart from gaining new knowledge of a major home appliance, fair goers also get a hefty discount! Not only do we bring awareness to homeowners and fill our books at a time when we typically slow down due to weather, but customers also get the best price for a certified professional to look over their system. And our excellent service is constant whether you book with us during the fair at a discounted rate or in the middle of the busy season!

Wondering what we discuss with people attending the fair? Read below! Then contact us today to see what we can do for you.

Why Chimney Maintenance Is Important

By investing in annual inspections and sweepings for your chimney, you gain added peace of mind regarding the safety of your home. For one thing, clearing out creosote on a regular basis significantly decreases your chance of chimney fires! Creosote builds up more and more with every fire you burn, and it is a very flammable substance. The more you have, the riskier things get. And chimney fires can cause a lot of damage, threatening the integrity of your entire structure.

Another reason why regular inspections are important is so that sweeps can identify and address any necessary repairs before more frequent burning periods begin. If you have cracks, holes, clogs, or any other type of wear and tear, you face a lot more potential hazards, such as fires, smoke back-up, or toxins entering the home.

There’s no time to lose if your system needs a check-up. Call us today!

Why Dryer Vent Maintenance Is Important

Another thing we like to emphasize is the importance of dryer vent maintenance. Although many do not realize it, dryer vents are the cause of thousands of house fires every year. If the venting system gets clogged, your appliance will likely overheat, and any stray sparks could easily cause built-up lint to start on fire with ease.

On top of this, clogged vents cause harmful gases to back up into your home and affect the health of loved ones. These fumes need to properly escape outside and, without a clear pathway, the only place for them to go is back into your home. Prevent this from happening by calling in our experts! We are trained to address any of your dryer vent needs.

Why Wait?

One thing’s for sure… you’ll want to get this maintenance done before the holiday season begins! Ensure your fireplace is ready to go by calling in our techs today. We can’t wait to visit your home and ensure you are good to go!

Why Chimney Crown Maintenance Is So Important

There are many parts to a chimney and all are important for proper functioning. It’s important to take a step back from time to time and inspect each of these parts on an individual basis. Today, we’re focusing on the chimney crown. This is a piece that withstands a lot! And it faces all kinds of wear and tear in order to keep your chimney protected.

What Do Chimney Crowns Do?

Chimney crowns are located at the top of your chimney. They play a big role in keeping excess moisture away from your masonry.

Chimney crowns also:

  • Help cover and protect the opening of your chimney while steering water away from the sides with their sloped design.
  • Extend past the edge of your chimney, so any water that comes down will be forced away from the brickwork (thus reducing the chance of deterioration).

Fixing A Damaged Crown

If you’re having issues with your crown, it’s important to address them right away. Some homeowners discover that their chimney crown was installed incorrectly from the get-go. This means that it could have been built from inadequate materials or maybe the edge doesn’t overhang enough to keep your chimney protected. No matter the case, some modifications need to be done as soon as possible.

Other times, the crown will be installed just fine, but cracks and decay will start to form. This is usually due to water damage, and it needs to be stopped fast! You’ll want the damage mended quickly so that no more water can seep in. The more moisture allowed in, the more damage you’ll face, triggering stress and costing you precious time and money.

We Can Help!

If you are worried about the state of your chimney crown, have no fear. The staff at Weststar Chimney Sweeps is trained, experienced, and more than qualified to help you out! Our professional crew is happy to come out and inspect the current state of your chimney. Once we evaluate the situation, we’ll provide you with the next best steps for resolving the issue, so you can get back to using your fireplace in no time!

Our staff uses a product called CrownCoat, which seals any cracks or holes while providing your entire crown with a strong, waterproof seal. This a product that can withstand water, while allowing your crown the ability to vent out vapors and moisture. It’s a great way to keep your chimney protected for years, and we are certain you’ll be more than satisfied with this service!

I’m Ready! What Now?

If you are ready to invest in the best products and services for your fireplace, give Weststar Chimney Sweeps a call right away. We can find a time slot that works best for your schedule, and get our CSIA certified staff out there as soon as possible! When it comes to the health of your chimney, you don’t want to put off any necessary repairs. Call us now before things get worse – we can’t wait to help you out soon!

What Is A Top-Sealing Damper?

Have you been having issues with your throat damper? You are not alone! These devices have worked well in the past. However, there is a new option available that homeowners seem to love. We don’t blame them! If you need a new damper, consider investing in a top-sealing damper for your chimney.

If you’re wondering just what a top-sealing damper is, let us explain. This device sits at the top of your chimney, rather than the bottom. It has a rubber gasket so that a tight seal is formed, and it is controlled by a lever that is inside of your fireplace.

Saving You Energy

There are a lot of reasons why top-sealing dampers tend to function better than throat dampers. One of the biggest is their ability to seal your home a lot better, saving you lots of money on heating and cooling bills.

With throat dampers, any outside air gets sucked down your chimney, then can easily seep in through cracks and any possible holes. That makes keeping things cool hard to do… and watch out for any cold, nasty weather because things will get chilly fast!

Worried about the A/C escaping throughout the year? Worry no longer! Homeowners that invest in a top-sealing damper see significant drops in their monthly bills, and we want you to get all the savings that you can. Consider these products so that the warm, humid air stays out of your chimney altogether!

Schedule Your Chimney Inspection Soon!

If you own a fireplace, scheduling a yearly inspection is important. This regular maintenance helps ensure overall functionality, and it gives you peace of mind knowing that your home and family are being kept as safe as possible. In fact, the CSIA recommends scheduling an inspection at least once per year to help avoid chimney fires and exposure to harmful toxins.

If you’re due for an inspection, count on the staff at Weststar Chimney Sweeps. Our sweeps are CSIA trained and certified, so we are sure we can handle any job you throw our way. Learn more by browsing our site, then give us a call to schedule your appointment!

Keeping Your Home Safer

Inspections are necessary for maintaining the safety of your home and loved ones. Sweeps can spot any clogs, excess debris, or creosote buildup, all of which contribute to chimney fires and smoke backup. They can also look over your masonry to ensure no cracks, holes, or other damage is present. If your structure is suffering, you could eventually face a collapse or settlement.

On top of all that, nothing can beat an expert’s eye when it comes to the health of your system. Sweeps can recommend the next appropriate steps (repairs, cleanings, etc.), and they can advise you on some preventative measures to take, such as waterproofing. All in all, inspections help your system stay strong and durable for years of enjoyment.

Why Summertime Inspections?

So, why is now an ideal time to get that inspection done? There are many advantages to scheduling your fireplace and chimney maintenance in the summer. First of all, there will be more availability in our books, as our busy season won’t start up for another couple of months. That means you can schedule your appointment at a time that is most ideal for you!

On top of that, we will have more time to devote to your chimney. Should you need repairs, a sweeping, or anything else, we can easily get it all done in a timely manner. Once fall comes around, our books fill up fast, and squeezing in last-minute repairs isn’t always so easy. By scheduling now, you know your system will be up and running when the holidays arrive.

You Can Trust In Us

Here at Weststar Chimney, our staff is reliable, professional, and trained to meet your every need. We love serving this area, and we want to help out people all throughout it! One glance at our certifications, reviews, and decades worth of experience is all you need to know that we are dedicated and passionate about what we do.

Please give us a call today – we look forward to hearing from you!