Our Company Blog

$50,000 In Damage Due To Chimney Fire

Prefab Chimney After A Chimney Fire

Prefab Chimney After A Chimney Fire

The Republic newspaper of Columbus Indiana recently reported a tragic fire that was caused by the negligence on the home owner’s behalf. Nobody was hurt, but the damage was costly. Firefighters reported that the fire had been caused by defects to the fireplace and that a regular inspection might have kept this incident from ever occurring.

Sweep And Inspect Your Chimney Every Year

The NFPA 211 recommends that every chimney can be swept and inspected every year as needed to prevent chimney fires. Chimneys can be blocked due to lack of maintenance and Creosote can build up thus becoming a terrible fire hazard.

Keep your family safe by having Weststar Chimney Sweeps come in and do a thorough inspection of your chimney and fireplace to ensure that there are no imperfections that may in some way put not only your home at risk, but your family as well.

Gas Fireplace Damper Clamp


When you have a vented gas log in your fireplace installed, it’s necessary to have the damper clamp open at all times. Having a damper clamp prevents a situation where gases are not vented out the fireplace. It’s a safety accessory in case the fireplace is turned on and is forgotten opening the damper.

A gas fireplace emulates a real fireplace, without the trouble of getting wood to burn. There are two gas fireplace types: vented and ventless. The vented type have a realistic look but loss most of the heat, instead the ventless one is very efficient because doesn’t need a chimney, losing the fireplace realistic look.

On which ever option you decide, the damper clamp is needed to keep the carbon monoxide out and avoid hazardous situations.

San Diego County Fair 2012

Last month Weststar Chimney Sweeps was part of a San Diego tradition, the San Diego County Fair! Between June 8 and July 4th we had a chance to meet a lot of nice people that came to our booth to say hi and to know more about our Chimney Sweeps Services.

They got to learn how we work, see some of the tools we use, meet the team, and some of them even took pictures with the Top Hat! Also, a lot of folks took advantage of our $40 off Show Special, and because of that, their Chimneys are now cleaner and their homes safer.

It was definitely an Out of This World experience for us too. We love to be part of the San Diego community, and we look forward to many more events like this one where we can make new friends and meet new clients. Hope to see you at an upcoming event!

A Warm and Romantic Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air, and that can only mean one thing… February is here, and along with it, Valentine’s Day! The perfect day to celebrate love, friendship or whatever else you want to celebrate.

There are some things that go hand and hand with Valentine’s Day, like flowers, chocolate, romantic dinners, perfume sprayed letters and much more. Of course, most of us will get to buying all of these gifts a day before, if not the same, but that’s ok, you’ll find something.

But, you know what you just can’t leave for the last day? Getting your chimney swept and inspected by a CSIA Certified Professional! I bet you didn’t even think about that one! Just imagine… romantic dinner, bottle of champagne, lit candles at the table, flowers all around, and of course, the fire crackling romantically in the fireplace. Everything is just right, the perfect Valentine’s Day… but wait, what’s that? do you smell smoke? Instead of going out thru the chimney, the smoke is coming right back into the house! What a way of ruining the perfect night. Now it smells like something burnt. And hopefully it’s just the smell, because if the chimney has not been properly cleaned, there is also the risk of fire!

So, better be safe than sorry. Get that chimney of yours inspected and cleaned ASAP, so you can concentrate on enjoying the perfect valentine’s day with your special someone.

From all of us at Weststar Chimney Sweeps, have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
