El Niño Is Coming! Waterproof Your Chimney Today
If you have been watching the news this summer, it has been hard to miss the coverage of the upcoming El Niño weather event. Predicted to be one of the strongest in years, this El Niño has the potential to cause heavy rains and flooding in San Diego and the rest of Southern California. To be prepared for this weather event, Weststar Chimney Sweep provides waterproofing services that can keep your masonry chimney safe from the effects of heavy rains. We would like to tell you more about the coming El Niño event and how a waterproofing treatment can protect the bricks and mortar of your chimney from all of this water.
What exactly is El Niño?
The term El Niño refers to the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a warming in sea surface temperatures across the central Equatorial Pacific Ocean. El Niño typically affects the weather across North America during the following winter season. These effects include warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada and over the northern and western United States. Heavy rains are also more likely due to El Niño, and NBC San Diego reports that meterologists are saying that the El Niño of 2015 will bring heavier than normal rainfalls to Southern California.
How can this heavy rainfall affect my chimney? 
The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) states that water is the biggest enemy of a masonry chimney, and this is because of the extensive and costly damage it can do. Heavy rainfalls lead to water penetration of masonry materials, and when water leaks into the bricks and mortar of a chimney, it weakens the materials and can eventually cause the structure to collapse.
How can waterproofing protect my chimney from water penetration?
At Weststar Chimney Sweeps, we use a formula that is 100% vapor permeable that will keep water from leaking into the bricks and mortar while still allowing vapors to exit the masonry materials and not become trapped to cause more damage. We apply this waterproofing formula to your entire chimney to prevent water penetration. Your masonry chimney will be protected from the heavy rains of El Niño after our waterproofing treatment.
Be ready for the effects of El Niño this winter. Contact us at Weststar Chimney Sweeps to schedule an appointment for a waterproofing treatment today.