Every May 1st we like to remember and celebrate Chimney Sweep Day here at Weststar Chimney Sweeps, but you may be wondering why May 1st is designated as chimney sweep day.
Also known as May Day, May 1st has a long history and it heavily involves chimney sweeps. In the past, it was legal for chimney sweeps to use young children to sweep chimneys. This was due to the fact that they could easily fit into chimney flues and were able to scrub and sweep the chimneys clean. Children who were employed were as young as six and were usually boys. These young sweepers often did not have any kind of protection when cleaning chimneys and would breathe in much of the soot they were helping to remove. Due to this, many children who swept chimneys dealt with all kinds of respiratory issues and diseases.
May 1st was the only day these young sweeps had a day off from their sweeping duties. On this day sweeps would celebrate in their local towns where entertainment and other festivities took place. Because of the time off and the celebrations, May 1st came to be known as chimney sweep day. Even today this holiday is celebrated by chimneys sweeps throughout the world.
So join Weststar Chimney Sweeps in celebrating Chimney Sweep day and hug your favorite chimney sweep the next time you call us in for service.