Our Company Blog

What Is A Top-Sealing Damper?

Have you been having issues with your throat damper? You are not alone! These devices have worked well in the past. However, there is a new option available that homeowners seem to love. We don’t blame them! If you need a new damper, consider investing in a top-sealing damper for your chimney.

If you’re wondering just what a top-sealing damper is, let us explain. This device sits at the top of your chimney, rather than the bottom. It has a rubber gasket so that a tight seal is formed, and it is controlled by a lever that is inside of your fireplace.

Saving You Energy

There are a lot of reasons why top-sealing dampers tend to function better than throat dampers. One of the biggest is their ability to seal your home a lot better, saving you lots of money on heating and cooling bills.

With throat dampers, any outside air gets sucked down your chimney, then can easily seep in through cracks and any possible holes. That makes keeping things cool hard to do… and watch out for any cold, nasty weather because things will get chilly fast!

Worried about the A/C escaping throughout the year? Worry no longer! Homeowners that invest in a top-sealing damper see significant drops in their monthly bills, and we want you to get all the savings that you can. Consider these products so that the warm, humid air stays out of your chimney altogether!