Protect Your San Diego Chimney With a Waterproofing Sealant

When we repair a leaky chimney, we work hard to ensure that those repairs last. But at Weststar Chimney Sweeps, we believe that prevention is just as important as proper repairs. That’s why we strongly recommend having a waterproofing sealant applied to your chimney masonry – whether you’ve had problems with leaky bricks or not.

When chimney masonry is left unprotected, cracks, crumbling, spalling, discoloration, and other damage can occur. Additionally, since brick is porous, it can absorb moisture and spread it down into the chimney system, where it can cause even more damage.

Chimney waterproofing services are meant to prevent all that. If you’re in the San Diego, make us your trusted chimney service provider. Call or book online now.


Red brick chimney

Why Trust a Professional for Masonry Wateproofing?

Unfortunately, many homeowners opt to paint or seal their chimneys in order to keep water out, but these DIY chimney waterproofing methods and products can actually trap moisture inside of the brick, expediting damage and making matters worse.

The waterproofing sealant we use here at Weststar Chimney Sweeps is specially formulated for chimney masonry, so it provides that helpful layer of protection while remaining 100 percent vapor-permeable. In other words, vapors and gases can still pass through the bricks and mortar (which is necessary for proper chimney function), while larger water molecules cannot.

In addition, DIY waterproofing can lead to mistakes and areas getting missed. If even a small portion of your chimney is left exposed and vulnerable, the rest of the system will suffer – and all that time and expense will be wasted.

Whether you’ve had leaks or problems with moisture in the past or not, you should seriously consider having your system professionally waterproofed. It’s a small investment that makes a big difference and can help stave off the big headaches that come with a leaky chimney.

 What Does Vapor-Permeable Mean? How Does It Apply to Chimney Waterproofing?

The term “vapor-permeable” is used to describe a material that allows water vapor to pass through it, while blocking liquid water. This is an essential feature in many types of building materials – especially chimneys that may have already absorbed water and don’t want it trapped in.

During professional chimney waterproofing services, vapor-permeable coatings or sealants are applied to the chimney’s exterior to protect it from rain and moisture. This coating also allows any trapped water vapor inside the masonry, as well as any fireplace fumes, to escape. This is important because if the water vapor remains trapped within the chimney structure, it’ll eventually lead to problems like spalling, deterioration, and crumbling mortar.

This is a big reason why trusting a professional is, again, so important! Store-bought products, sealants, and paints tend to merely block water without allowing anything else to vent out. A vapor-permeable waterproofing solution, on the other hand, allows the chimney to “breathe,” which then helps prevent moisture buildup, mold growth, and structural damage.

Schedule Your Professional Waterproofing Service Today!

Masonry will naturally degrade over time due to the effects of weather, but a waterproofing sealant protects the brick and mortar for the long run – and can significantly prolong its lifespan. If you’d like to have a waterproofing sealant applied to your masonry, call Weststar Chimney Sweeps, or make an appointment today. We’d love to help!


Reducing the chance of chimney leaks is an important part of our chimney and dryer vent services. You can count on our expertise for added protection.